He graduated from Aviation Cadets, Navigator Class 54-03 and was commissioned a 2nd Lt. on 21 April 1954. After completing his training in August 1954 he was assigned to 306BW, 367 Bomb Squadron
at MacDill AFB FL as a B-47 Navigator on Crew R-92, with Capt. Don Seed as Aircraft Commander and Lt. Bolslav Nawrocki as Co-Pilot.The wing was deployed to North Africa, at Ben Gurrier AFB, Morocco in fall of 1955.
The crew excelled and was quickly moved to Select Status, as Crew S-92.
Living conditions were crude and two three man crews lived in a small hut. Due to conflict in the Suez Canal area between Eygpt and Isreal, the wing was extended from October until after the Christmas Holidays and returned to MacDill in January 1956. The crew was selected to conduct the LABS test program, where the bomb delivery was completed by penetrating enemy territory at very low altitude, usually 500 feet, entering an emblem maneuver, releasing the bomb at about 18000 feet and rolling out at the top altitude of 32000 feet.
In 1958, Capt. Seed moved to Squadron Operations Officer and Major Paul B. Monroe became the Aircraft Commander and Capt. Bud Borrell became the Co-Pilot. The crew was selected to represent the 306th Bomb Wing in 1958 Strategic Air Command (SAC) Bombing Competition.
In October 1958, flying from March AFB in California, Crew S-92 was victorous and the 306BW won the Fairchild Trophy as the top overall unit. Shortly after winning the Bombing Competition, the crew received 'spot' promotions. Paul Monroe was promoted to Lt. Col. and Bob Zambenini was promoted to Major. Bud Borrell left the USAF for a Career in the Aerospace Industry and Lt. Jack Schofield became the co-pilot.
The crew was elevated to Chief Standardization Crew of the 306 BW and remained in that position until Major Zambenini, left SAC for Graduate School at George Washington University in May 1962.
After graduation from The George Washington University MBA Program in 1962, Bob Zambenini was assigned to the Officer of The Secretary of the Air Force, Directorate of Special Projects, with duty in Los Angeles, CA. In 1968 he attended the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk VA and was assigned to the Recon Operations Center, at Tan Son Nuet Air Base in Saigon Vietnam. During this duty, he was promoted to Lt. Col.
Upon return to the states, he was assigned to the B-1 Systems Program Office at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH as the Director of Program Control. Here he was promoted to and after completing his work on the B-1
in 1974,he was selected as the Comptoller of the Aeronautical Systems Division,
at Wright-Patterson AFB.
He retired in May 1979, after 27 years of active duty, with decorations which included the Legion of Merit, with 1 oak leaf cluster, The Bronze Star, and The AF Commendation Medal.
He held the Master Navigator rating with 3800 hours.
This page was last updated on 4 August 2007