Golf at Carnoustie
The final part of the trip, was up to the old ship building town of Dundee, and a visit to Robert Scott's ship Discovery. It was used in the exploration of Antarctica.

Next was a visit to one of the great golf spots of Scotland, Carnoustie, site of Ben Hogan's victory in the 1953 British Open. It was a raw, cold and windy day with periods of sun.

Bunkers were difficult! Below right is the 16th Green with clubhouse and hotel in background.

Thanks to a reference by the people at the Victoria Hotel, accommodations were found in the small town of New Broughy Ferry, another small friendly village on the water.

The final day before returning to Glasgow and the trip home included a tour of Glamis Castle. It is one of the major castles of Scotland, and was the childhood home of the late Queen Mother, and the legendary setting for Shakespeare's Macbeth.

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