Edinburgh and Military Tattoo
Next stop was the old city of Edinburgh. After the trip was set, it was learned that the weekend planned for Edinburgh was their festival weekend. This included several competitive fairs, like music, books, movies, drama and comedy. Also, this was the conclusion of the huge Military Tattoo at the Castle. Through bidding on Ebay, a package of four tickets to the last performance of the Military Tattoo was bought and the three remaining tickets were put up for auction and sold. After several days of searching for a room, Elizabeth Scott, of the Ashcroft Farm House B&B in nearby East Calder responded with a spot. Elizabeth (below, left) was a most gracious lady via email with lots of good info and was found to be equally wonderful in person.

The Edinburgh Castle sits high on the rocks left from an old volcano.

The city of old buildings was alive with floral bloom.

The inside of the castle is huge, like a small city, and takes hours to tour. The Great Hall with its wood beam ceiling includes a comprehensive display of armament.

Military Tattoo takes place at the upper entrance to the castle. Stands contain seating for 8000 people. It is a two hour long pageant of military marching, music, historical re-enactments, and ends with a huge fireworks display.

Also, a highlight was meeting Susan from Ottawa Canada, and her husband and Scottish niece, who bought the extra three tickets. Through Ebay, email and FEDEX, we all got to meet and enjoy the Tattoo in our adjoining seats.

Continue on to golf at St. Andrews and Kingdom of Fife.
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