New law in Italy prohibits smoking in all bars and eating establishments. Some said it would not happen, but it has!!!!!
You can drink the water from any public fountain in Italy!
Cappuccino in Galleria in Milan.
Cappuccino at St. Mark's Square in Venice.
Decision time for nightcap---Cappuccino or Grappa!
Gelato was wonderful.
So many choices!
Open air market in Venice.
Cheese from Trentino Region.
Sampling was a great pastime.
Many choices!
Italian steak was great!
Even an Americanized steak house, but it was closed for remodeling.
Panni shop for quick lunch.
A little something to go with our Cappuccino.
Polenta and mushrooms in Belliago on Lake Como.
Lunch break in Trento.
Lunch on Grand Canal in Venice with some English tourists.
Four cheese lunch.
Lunch in San Lorenzo Banale-polenta with mushrooms and gnochi with spinach.
Hotel Breakfast at Bella Vista Hotel.
Breakfast at Hotel Raffeallo in Rome.
Jim mastered his Italian so on last day he was able to special order his pizza!
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Breakfast at Hotel Raffeallo in Rome.