First stop on way to Trentino was at Riva de Garda to visit Flavio and Graziano Zambanini at their Hotels. Jim is with Graziano.
Our wonderful hosts in Valli Banale Bella Vista Hotel always are the Litterini Family
Valter Litterini
Valter and Daughter
Entrance to Bella Vista Hotel.
Valli Villages, Tavodo left and below, Andogno, Birthplace of Grandmother, Maria Rizzi Zambanini. Sclemo is just up the Hill to Left.
Church at Tavodo.
At Tavodo Church entrance with plaque in memory of Don Artvro Zambanini, high church official in 1800s.
Jim achieves a lifelong objective,visiting Sclemo Italy.
Wilma Zambanini and Jim.
Zambanini homestead in background at Sclemo.
Bob with cousin Wilma.
Someone has added a stuffed bear to the old Zambanini home in Sclemo.
Jim at church in Sclemo.
Jim at Sclemo drinking fountain.
Community fountain in Sclemo, used for washing dishes and clothes.
Jim and Lena with photo of her father.
Lena showing photos of all her grandchildren.
Cemetery in Sclemo.
Gravesites of Zambaninis were everywhere, especially in Sclemo cemetery.
Lena explaining Famliga Zambanini Memorial in Sclemo Cemetery.
Jim with the history of his family, from hundreds of years back.
Lena at her father's gravesite.
Day trip up mountains to Lake Molveno in our Hertz BMW diesel wagon. Great mountain auto!
Fly fisherman in Sarca River in Ponte Arche at dusk.
Stopping at Ettore Nicoli's (left) bar in Ponte Arche for cuppucinno, gellato, grappa or a nitecap was a must.
Jim with Gianni Andreolli and daughter, Elena, in Ponte Arche.
Giuseppe Zambanini, center, and son, left, sharing his best vino. Giuseppe is wearing his trademark hat!
Without hat!
Giuseppe shows Jim his hunting arsenal.
Visit at home of Pierre Lugi Zambanini and wife, Aldina, on right, with son Manual and daughter Anna in Andogono.
Ervino Merli, next to Jim, with his wife, son and two daughters. Rose Merli, Ervino's sister is on left.
Saying goodbyes were hard but Mama Lena wants Jim to learn more Italian and return.
Highlight of visit was to the nursing home to see Antonio Zambanini, our oldest living relative.
On the way to our day trip to Trento a great photo stop was at the Toblino Castle.
Duomo Plaza in Trento.
Peeling off centuries of brick and plaster to find centuries old frescos is happening all over Italy and especially in Trento.
Close up of some of the discovered frescos.
Buonconsiglio Castle in central Trento.
Jim vowed not to visit any Wastewater Processing facilities on this trip but did photograph dozens of manhole covers, dating back centuries!
Jim buying gifts from Trentino Youth Store in Trento.
After Trento we ventured up north to Zambana.
Old Church in Zambana.
Jim always offered to photo people with their camera.
Jim at end or our Trentino tour, South end of Lake Garda.
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Church at Tavodo.