Handstitched pillow from Grandma Joyce
Welcome Mindy and John to Hotel Dinner. Plan A Boat Ride and Outdoor Dinner Canceled due to Rain!
Pam Zambenini and Curtis Reeves begin rehearsal dinner prep
Jim and John Zambenini
Candle Decorations of Tables
John and Grandma Joyce and Nathan Hoobler
John with Uncle Steve and Aunt Laura Hodson
With Uncle Greg Nicholas
With Grandpa Bob
Sisters Diana Zengler and Joyce Zambenini
John, Pam, Mindy and John Welcoming all for Rehearsal Dinner
Irv and Barb Robinson came from Maryland. They bicycled through parts of Midwest with John on his cross country trip.
Audrey Zambenini with friend Caleb Roe
Cousins Andrea and Jessica Nicholas and Allison Hodson
Aunt Jenny Hodson VanDerStok and Grandma Joyce
Groomsmen getting final instructions
Son John with Dad and Mom
Bob andJoyce with Grandpa Dick Hodson
David Zengler, Joyce, Jim, and Diana Zengler
Small Beautiful Church for Big Wedding
Grandpa Dick Hodson and Grandma Joyce waiting
First row, Linda Somheil, Mary Lou and Bob Britton. Diana and David Zengler
Fiddler waiting to play Wedding March
Waiting for Mr. and Mrs. John Zambenini to exit
Sunday Morning Goodbyes. Linda Somheil, Joyce and Pam
Eric Somheil and Jim Zambenini
Bob and Mary Lou Britton
Morning Breakfast
Morning After
Somheil Children, Standing Eric and Diana, Seated Mary Lou and Joyce
Saying Goodbyes
Jim gives Aunt Mary Lou hugs, Joyce with Diana and Linda Somheil
Joyce, John and Pam
JIm, Joyce, John and Bob heading home
Candle Decorations of Tables
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